Page 91 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 91

Lucille Eichengreen.      ‘The first group of deportees from Vienna is expected
            A still from Radegast,    tomorrow. Reportedly there are Christians and Nazi of-
            directed by B. Lankosz, 2008,  ficials with Jewish grandmothers among them. Wait and
            courtesy of Grupa
            Filmowa Fargo             see till they start some anti-semitic association here’.
                                      But a few days later, he added: ‘yesterday, we visited the
                                      Czechs. Some of them are good guys. Those from Lux-
                                      embourg too. It was great to talk to them. They are sur-
                                      prised with the filth here and are afraid of disease. They
                                      are intelligent, clean and open-minded. Great boys. It is
                               4 —    nice to spend time with them’ .
               Quoted after the film Radegast.  Rumkowski scheduled the Western Jews as the first
                                      to be deported, as most of them were incapable of phys-
                                      ical work which was most valued in the ghetto. Collec-
                                      tives from Vienna, Düsseldorf, Köln and Prague were
                                      sent to their deaths first. At the beginning of May 1942,
                                      over  10,000  people  from  the  West  were  sent  to
                                      Chełmno  nad  Nerem.  They  had  lived  in  Łódź  for  six

                                      A staircase as dirty as it was in the ghetto
                                      The  confrontation  of  the  Survivors’  memories  with
                                      the  contemporary  district  of  Bałuty,  where  the
                                      Litzmannstadt Ghetto was located, is a frequent theme
                                      of documentaries about the ghetto. The meeting with
                                      the past is even more painful because of its material
                                      carriers – houses and streets of Bałuty – remaining al-

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