Page 94 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 94
A Bałuty Ghetto, directed A fragment of Lankosz and Bart’s film elaborates on
by P. Stingl, 2008, courtesy that theme: Bronisław Wrocławski, an actor and native
of yeti Films Sp. z o.o.
of Lodz, speaks about Franz Kafka’s sisters, Professor
Caspari, a promoter of healthy nutrition, Hugo Ditz,
a Nobel Prize candidate, and Jakob Speyer, an outstand-
ing chemist, who invented Eukodal. He also mentions
Rudolf Bandler, a great opera singer. Again, we are en-
abled to ascribe certain places to certain persons.
6 —
Except for the article by Michał Parallel editing. Czech children from Lidice
Trębacz, Dzieci czeskie z Lidic
w obozie przy ul. Żeligowskiego and Ležaky in Łódź
w Łodzi, [in:] Ludność cywilna It is important to highlight a theme rarely mentioned in
w łódzkich obozach Polish academic literature – the non-Jewish children
przesiedleńczych, ed. Joanna
Żelazko, Instytut Pamięci from Czechoslovakia, who were brought to Łódź as
Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania a result of Nazi politics and fell victims of the Holocaust.
Zbrodni Przeciw Narodowi They came from the small towns of Lidice and
Polskiemu, Urząd Miasta Łodzi,
Łódź 2010, pp.135-144. Ležáky and were incarcerated in camps at 41/43,
Żeligowskiego Street and at 73, Sporna Street. The ma-
7 — jority of them were gassed in Chełmno nad Nerem in
There is no written evidence 7
of the deportation of the children July 1942 .
to Chełmno nad Nerem, their This topic appears on the periphery of Pavel Štingl’s
arrival and extermination. film, Bałuckie getto, which according to the director was
Historians have deduced it basing
on indirect evidence inspired by his frequent visits to Łódź during the work
and witnesses’ reports. on his earlier project on the tragedy of Lidice. In 2005,
92 Ewa Ciszewska