Page 93 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
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Lucille Eichengreen. as suggested by the very title of the film, (A Bałuty
A still from Radegast, Ghetto) which combines the current name of that dis-
directed by B. Lankosz, 2008, trict with a historically marked noun.
courtesy of Grupa The juxtaposition of survivors recalling death in the
Filmowa Fargo
ghetto and the current inhabitants of Bałuty complain-
ing about the lack of drinking company within the same
film may cause consternation. A report of a survivor on
the resourcefulness of the ghetto inmates illustrated
with materials on the resourcefulness of the Bałuty lo-
cals, who do whatever they can to get money for alcohol,
evokes mixed feelings as well. Štingl’s frankness re-
sulted in attacks and repugnance (the filmmaker was
accused of putting Łódź in a negative light), but it has
also earned him voices of approval for his courage in
dealing uncompromisingly with the difficult and incon-
venient topic of the socioeconomic exclusion of Bałuty’s
5 — inhabitants .
The opinions quoted above were
expressed by the audience after
the premiere of the film on January Outstanding personages in the ghetto
31, 2009 during a conference with The focus on West European Jews and references to
the director in the Charlie cinema their biographies reminds the audience of the individual
in Łódź.
character of the Shoah. Some typical opinions about the
Łódź ghetto say that the Jews incarcerated there came
mainly from the poor districts. The emphasis put on the
presence of West European Jews serves as a reminder
that it was Litzmannstadt Ghetto where the Jewish
intellectual elite of Prague, Munich and Berlin perished.
A Journey to the Cursed Land 91