Page 61 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 61
According to estimates from five to nine thousand Łódź
ghetto inmates survived the war. It is just a handful out of
two hundred thousand people imprisoned in the “closed
district” in Łódź. Some of them survived as members of the
“clearing-up team” which was left in the liquidated ghet-
to to search premises and factories for valuable objects
which could be taken to the Reich. Some survived, hiding
in abandoned houses or factories in the “closed district”.
The remaining survivors went through labour camps, death
marches and German factories, where they were liberated.
Some of them were so exhausted that they died shortly
after the war ended.
Some of the survivors decided to return to their home town,
others scattered all over the world and returned to Łódź
decades later.
Despite the widespread nature of the places they subse-
quently took up residence, their history is still the history
of multicultural Łódź.
We remaind biographies some Survivors. Most of them
already have their Memorial trees in the Survivors’ Park.