Page 49 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. "Fragmenty pamięci".
P. 49

Fragmenty pamięci               Fragments of memory

            Alchemia  jej  słów i sama  jej  obecność  przypo-  with a shaved head. While I was being taken to
            mniała mi, kim jestem”.         another camp, I called her out by her name. She
                                            turned her head and said: »Halinka, never give
            Fragment opowiadania Salomei Kape Czarodziej-  up, never lose hope«.
            ska szkoła ze zbioru Kocham twą urodę złą, naj-  The alchemy of her words and her very presence
            droższe miasto na świecie tł. Paweł Granicki  helped remind me of who I am.”

                                            Fragment of Salomea Kape’s story entitled The
                                            Magic School from the collection I Love your Evil
                                            Beauty, Most Precious City in the World, transla-
                                            ted by Paweł Granicki

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