Page 87 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 87
In 1968, the communist authorities and press revealed
an ‘anti-communist Jewish conspiracy’. An anti-Semitic
witchhunt began. Marek Edelman and his wife were not
allowed to do post-doctoral degrees, they lost their jobs.
Edelman spent a lot of time at home, writing - at his wife’s
request - his memoirs from the ghetto, more personal than
in ‘The Ghetto Fights’ book. He did not intend to leave, but
he believed it was better to have his family on the other side
of the wall than in the ghetto. In 1970, his wife and children
left for Paris. Thirteen thousand Jews living in Poland left
the country as a result of the anti-Semitic campaign in
1968. 1,800 people emigrated from Łódź alone. Edelman
‘I never let anyone tell me how to live.
Everyone has the right to live where
they want and the way that suits them’.