Page 143 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 143

‘I feel awkward speaking to you. I’m
              standing here alone, I’m standing here
              by chance, as is probably the case
              throughout my life. Probably the universe

              also emerged by chance. (...) There is
              nothingness behind me. The nothingness
              into which hundreds of thousands of

              people perished, and I used to see them
              off to the train carriages. I have no right
              to speak on their behalf, because I don’t
              know whether they died with hatred or
              forgave their torturers. And now nobody

              will ever know. But it’s my duty to make
              sure that the memory of them doesn’t
              vanish. I know that the memory of those

              women, children, old and young people,
              who disappeared into nothingness, who
              were murdered without any sense or
              reason, is necessary. I know that the
              memory of them is necessary (…)’.

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