Page 105 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 105
‘Whoever has seen him leaning over
a patient, will keep the memory of his
delicate smile, his voice like the soft
purr of a cat, tender words prompted
by his experience, raising the strength
to fight for life and the desire to live –
tenderness which you can only receive
from your parents. In such moments
he was unshielded, wore no protective
mask, and it was only then that one
could see what a big and wise heart
that extraordinary man had, and that
it was the mainspring of his actions.
He was masculine, strong and always
stood on the side of the vulnerable ones
– his subordinates, the ill, the wound-
ed, those bound to fail and perish, who
were coping with their destiny. Who
else could evoke love and admiration,
if not him?’