Page 103 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Drzewa Pamięci. 10 opowieści z łódzkiego getta
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leon Weintraub
dzieci, Emmę (ur. 2006) i Alexandra Sons: Michał (born in 1948) has
(ur. 2009). Wnuczka Rebeka ma two daughters: Tatiana (born in 1976)
dwóch synów: Bruna (ur. 2010) i Jona- and Aleksandra (born in 1980). Robert
sza (ur. 2013). Wnuk Tommy ma syna (born in 1952) has four children: Filip
Maxa (ur. 2012). Wnuk Pierre ma syna (born in 1973), Rebeka (born in 1973),
Lukasa (ur. 2013). A to na pewno nie Ella (born in 1999) and Linn (born in
koniec... 2003). His son, Daniel (born in 1975)
Kto ratuje jedno życie, ratuje cały died at the age of 8. Andrzej (born in
świat... 1954) has two sons: Tommy (born in
1978) and Pierre (born in 1987). His
daughter, Emilia Rotstein (born in
1977), has two daughters: Tami (born
in 2007) and Yael (born in 2010). His
grandson Filip has two children: Emma
(born in 2006) and Alexander (born in
2009). His granddaughter Rebeka has
two sons: Bruno (born in 2010) and
Jonasz (born in 2013). His grandson
Tommy has a son, Max (born in 2012).
His grandson Pierre has a son, Lukas
(born in 2013). And this is certainly not
the end...
Whoever saves one life, saves the
entire world...