Page 95 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
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fter Artur Szyk's death in 1951, a taste of the true greatness of the work. He also 9 95
retrospective exhibition of the artist's works published a satirical poem by Julian Tuwim
Awas opened in the Jewish Museum in New "Revolution in Germany", illustrated by Szyk. In
York, entitled "Work of Artur Szyk – Memorial cooperation with the Józef Piłsudski Library
Exhibition of Original Miniatures and Paintings". (WiMBP) in Łódź, he prepared an exhibition "Artur REMEMBERING ARTUR SZYK 60 YEARS LATER
The same exhibition was moved to Toronto. Later, Szyk – Man of Łódź, Citizen of the World" on the
his works were exhibited every few years at 50th anniversary of the artist's death. On that
museums, libraries and universities, including occasion, a collection of interviews were assembled,
Washington, Stanford, Los Angeles and Florida. In published in the Łódź press in 1926−1934. They
1991, in the USA, The Arthur Szyk Society was were selected and edited by Andrzej Kempa. In
founded, whose purpose is to preserve the artistic 2005, another citizen of Łódź, Piotr Zarębski, made
heritage of the painter and to promote his message, a documentary film about the life and work of the
both in the USA and in the world, as well as to outstanding Polish−Jewish artist, entitled "Artur Szyk
support cultural, scholarly and editorial enterprises – Illuminator". In 2005, a small travelling exhibition
relating to himself and his work. The member of the entitled "Justice Illuminated: The Art of Arthur
Society are art collectors from all over the world but Szyk" came from the US to Łódź, Krakow and
its headquarters are located in California and it is Warsaw. In 2007, the Austeria publishing house in
headed by Irvin Ungar. In recent years, a number of Krakow published a biography Artur Szyk. Artist,
exhibitions have been organized in the US, either Pole, Jew by Joseph P. Ansell. In June 2011, The
organized or co−organized by the Society, including Stradom Center for Dialogue in Kraków created an
"Justice Illuminated – the Art of Arthur Szyk", exhibition "Artur Szyk – the legacy of a
shown in the US on many occasions, "Arthur Szyk Polish−Jewish Artist."
– Artist for Freedom" at the Library of Congress in In September 2011, on the 60th anniversary of
Washington and "Arthur Szyk remembered" in New Artur Szyk's death, in his home city, the Marek
York. The memory of the artist is alive again. Edelman Dialogue Center opened the exhibition
In 2002, a great exhibition "The Art&Politics of "Artur Szyk – Man of Dialogue", as a part of the
Arthur Szyk" dedicated to Szyk's art was presented at Łódź of Four Cultures festival. There, for the first
the United States Holocaust Memorial. An excellent time after the World War Two, his Statute of Kalisz
selection of his works was shown in Berlin in 2008: could be seen in its entirety, as well as other works
"Drawing Against National Socialism and Terror", he illustrated, including posters, postcards and
featuring mostly his works from World War Two, beautifully illustrated books – the Haggadah is
ridiculing the leaders of the Axis, but also his considered the most beautiful Jewish book in the
impressive art showing the common history of Poles world.
and Jews. Also, a number of books have been The works of Artur Szyk are appreciated and
published presenting the artist's oeuvre, including admired by a growing number of people. They are
the luxury limited edition The Szyk Haggadah, in the collections of libraries and museums all over
prepared by Irvin Ungar. The Arthur Szyk Society the world, where they tell the story of Poland,
publishes newsetters and art history papers. Europe and the world, according to the artist's
In Poland, the memory of Artur Szyk is kept alive message:
by Marek Szukalak, the founder of the Łódź's "Art is a powerful thing, it is a mission. If it is
Oficyna Bibliofilów. He published a collector's to fulfill its task it must serve an ideal and it must
edition of the Statute of Kalisz, giving the audience a be perfect."