Page 10 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 10

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  19:49  Page 10
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                         Thus – even though he had lived a life among the
                        Parisian bohemians – instead following other artists
                        of this period, he decided to focus on the arduous
                        creation of miniatures. It turned out that this
                        particular discipline of art brought him worldwide
                        acclaim and fame.
                         He explained his choice:
                         "Easel painting usually gives only a slight
                        fragment of reality. Only a fresco or a miniature can
                        artistically develop great ideas in a cycle. I chose
                        miniature (enluminure) because it is superior to
                        black and white graphics with its colourfulness,
                        combining artistic calligraphy of the text and the
                        miniature itself into one coherent whole. Besides,
                        the old technique of color reproduction achieves
                        such extraordinary results that it is difficult to
                        explicitly distinguish it from the original. This
                        expands  the range of tasks and social service of
                        miniature."                      A. Szyk
                         However, before he completely dedicated himself
                        to his art, he had served in the Russian army.
                         At the moment of the outbreak of World War
                        One, Artur Szyk was in Constantinople. The
                        Turkish authorities suspected the artist of espionage,
                        but he was allowed to leave. He arrived in Odessa by
                        ship, where he was forcibly drafted into the 128th
                        Kutajski Regiment of the Russian army and sent to
                        the western front. He participated in battles of Łódź.
                        During the retreat of the Russian army, he deserted
                        and hid in Aleksandrów, then returned to Łódź.

                         "At a time when the Russian army was leaving Łódź,
                        instead of going with my regiment, I calmly went home
                        and stayed there. I do not know what inspired me to
                        do so, but I am happy that this happened. Otherwise
                        I would be lying in some brotherly grave. "  A. Szyk

                         In 1915, along with Julian Tuwim, he founded a
                        "Bi−Ba−Bo" cabaret in his native Łódź. He made
                        posters, cartoons and decorations at the famous
                        Savoy hotel at Krótka Street (present−day Traugutta),
                        described by Joseph Roth. There, he met his future
                        wife – Julia Likerman, who appeared in the cabaret
                        as an aspiring actress.
                         Julia Idesa Likerman (1897−1974) was the daughter
                        of a Łódź merchant Maurycy Moszek Likerman and
                        Esther Świętosławska. The Szyks were married in
                        Łódź, on September 25, 1916.
                                                                              Russian Soldiers (1914–1915)
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