Page 80 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 80

9 —    of the Warsaw ghetto – most of them were made by the
                 The Unfinished Film (2010)   Nazis in May 1942 . The global character of the memory
                  directed by yael Hersonski
             is a critical reading of the film ma-  of the Warsaw ghetto has many reasons which I will not
               terials from the Warsaw ghetto   discuss here. The consequences of such a sitiation,
                left by the Nazis, a large part   however,  are  crucial  for  my  deliberations.    There  is
               of which was discovered in the
            1990s. Hersonski's strategy resem-  a widespread impression that the images of the Warsaw
                bles the one implemented by   ghetto constitute a universalized image of a ghetto as
               Dariusz Jabłoński in Fotoamator   such and constitute a universal icon of the Holocaust.
               towards the colour slides made
                     by Walter Genewein.  The transformation process of the Warsaw ghetto into
                                      a global memorial was accompanied by a process of
                                      ‘taking over’ other representations and including them
                                      in the narrative about that symbolic place. In that way
                                      the representations of the Łódź ghetto and the Jewish
                                      district of Łódź before it was closed in 1940 became an
                                      unmarked illustration material for the story of the War-
                                      saw ghetto, as is the case in the French film, Le Temps
                                      du Ghetto (1962), where the narrative on Nalewki and
                                      Leszno streets in Warsaw is illustrated with materials
                                      from the Bałuty and Stare Miasto districts of Łódź, shot
                                      by the Nazi film crew of Fritz Hippler in November and
                                      December 1939 and later used in the anti-Semitic prop-
                                      aganda film, Der ewige Jude (1940).
                                         Apart from photography, music is another source of
                                      affective memory, which I understand as an emotionally
                                      marked form of cultural memory creating a feeling of
                                      participation. Music seems to become increasingly sig-
                                      nificant as a carrier of someone else’s past experience
                                      inaccessible to the contemporary audience. The repre-
                                      sentation strategy which focuses on music in a docu-
                                      mentary film is well exemplified by two films dedicated
                                      to Jankiel Herszkowicz, the bard of the Łódź ghetto:
                              10 —
                Those are probably recordings   Songs of the Lodz Ghetto (2012) and The King and the
              of Herszkowicz himself, made for  Jester (1999). The use of two of Herszkowicz’s songs in
            the local branch of the Polish Radio  Daniel Szylit’s film was not accidental; Szylit, who knew
             in 1965 or 1966 and added to the
                Szylit's film in postproduction.  the reality of the ghetto from personal experience, re-
                                      membered the songs from ghetto streets . Works of the
                              11 —    ghetto singer constitute a ‘site of memory’, as Pierre
                  P. Norra, Między pamięcią   11
              a historią: Les lieux de mémoire,  Norra puts it, which combines the narrations of all sur-
                   transl. P. Mościcki, Tytuł  viving documentaries on the Łódź ghetto. A scene from
               roboczy:Archiwum, 2009, nr 2,   Fotoamator, when Arnold Mostowicz begins to hum the
               p. 4-12, published by Muzeum                               12
                         Sztuki w Łodzi.  song, Rumkowski Chaim, er git indz klajim and trans-
                                      late it from yiddish into Polish, is another memorable
                              12 —    moment. Jo Wajsblat, who recollects Birkenau, men-
                     places/ghettos/lodz/  tions the song, Shtubn-eltster composed there by Her-
             rumkovski-khayim0/ (09.06.2014)  szkowicz. We hear different singers performing these

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