Page 79 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 79

Photograph of Daniel Szylit  fore it would only be justifiable to use ‘I’ instead of ‘us’
            (courtesy of Mr Leon Kelcz)  in the commentary.
                                         The little known biography of the director may be
                                      helpful in understanding that paradox. Daniel Szylit was
                                      one of the survivors of the Łódź ghetto; he remained
                                      there after the liquidation as a member of the cleaning
                               7 —    unit . After the war, he lived in the former ghetto area,
                I would like to thank Mr Leon  in the aforementioned settlement at Boya-Żeleńskiego
             Kelcz, who was so kind as to share
               the biographical data of Daniel  Street. His wartime experiences must have been known
                         Szylit with me.  at least to some people from the film circles. Andrzej
                                      Wajda,  who  was  a  contemporary  of  his  in  the  Film
                                      School, appointed him as his co-worker while working
                                      on Samson (1961), a famous film based on Kazimierz
                                      Brandys’ prose about the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto.
                                      Szylit himself directed only two films before he immi-
                                      grated to Israel after the anti-Semitic events in March
                                      1968. One of them is the afore-mentioned documentary
                                      commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the liqui-
                                      dation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, which Szylit was de-
                                      termined  to  make.  Soon  after  the  film  had  been
                               8 —    completed, it was most probably put on a shelf, judging
               The first public show of Szylit's  by the lack of any information about it being screened
                film took place 40 years later,   8
                    in April 2004, as a part   or distributed .
             of a retrospective of documentary  Another issue I would like to address is the demar-
                 films about the Łódź ghetto   cation line between the cinematic representations of
                (Song of the Murdered Jewish
              Nation) organized by the Institute  ghettoes in Warsaw and in Łódź. At first that borderline
                          of Tolerance.  seems accidental; there are more existing film records

                                Litzmannstadt Ghetto – Affective Memory, Photography and Music  77
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