Page 77 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 77

Mendel Grossman.          (Rózia)  Grosman,  the  photographer’s  sister,  Mendel
            courtesy of the State     Grosman was assisted by Arie Ben Menachem while
            Archive in Łódź
                                      taking those photographs from hiding. In January 1943,
                                      Arie Ben Menachem created a photo-collage album of
                                      eighteen pages, using both types of Grosman’s photo-
                               6 —
                Getto. Terra incognita. Sztuka  graphs: those made for the Statistics Department and
             walcząca Ariego Ben Menachema   those made secretly, to give testimony to what the au-
                  i Mendla Grosmana, ed. X.
                  Modrzejewska-Mrozowska,   thors of the Chronicle of the Łódź Ghetto had to pass
                   A. Różycki, M. Szukalak,   over. Ben Menachem’s deeply moving, expressive work,
                    Łódź 2009. I could see   referring to the aesthetics of constructivist collage is
             reproductions of that (not existing
               anymore) book at the exhibition  particularly interesting with regard to the fact that Gros-
                Polak-Żyd-Artysta. Tożsamość   man’s photographs create a continuum. Edited and in-
                a awangarda by Joanna Ritter   corporated into a collage, at first they appear to be an
                     and Jarosław Suchan,
                   Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi,   expression of the terror of ‘everyday life in crisis’, of
               November 2009-January 2010.  managing the unbearable, of surviving and survival –
                                      until the secretly taken pictures reveal the destructive
                                      power and traumatic dimension of the deportations.
                                      Every page of the album has a title. The two last pages
                                      are entitled meaningfully: In spite of all and We will sur-
                                      vive,  enabling the contemporary reader to understand
                                      the victims’ viewpoint, time horizon and their experience
                                      of January 1943. From this point of view, the ‘official’
                                      and ‘unofficial’ ghetto photographs used by Ben Men-

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