Page 87 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 87

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            Public domain

            Rywka Lipszyc (1929-1945?) was born in Łódź to Jankiel and Miriam. She
            had three siblings: Abram, Cypora and Estera. The Lipszyc family were related
            to the family of the Chief Rabbi of Łódź, Josek Segał. After the outbreak of the
            war, they were forced to move to the ghetto, where they lived in Wolborska
            Street. In the ghetto, first her father and then Rywka’s mother died. The girl and
            her siblings were taken in by Jochan Lipszyc, Jankiel’s brother, a chairman of the
            Rabbinical College in the ghetto. During the so-called General Curfew (Wielka
            Szpera), Rywka’s two siblings and uncle were deported from the ghetto and
            then murdered. A year later, Aunt Chadasa, who had looked after her, died.
            Rywka was then adopted by her cousin and at the same time, she also started
            working in a department. During the liquidation of the ghetto, she was de-
            ported with her cousins and sister to Auschwitz, from where she was later sent
            to a sub-camp of Gross Rosen in Christianstadt, and then in February 1945,
            after the death march, to Bergen-Belsen. There, they lived to see liberation,
            but on the same day, one of Rywka’s cousins died of exhaustion. Due to her
            poor general health, Rywka was transported to a hospital in Nienendorf in the
            north of Germany. There, however, all trace of Rywka ended.

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