In 2024, two significant anniversaries will be observed. In August, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, with the main ceremonies taking place on August 29 at the Jewish cemetery and the Radegast Station. The accompanying events are scheduled from August 21 to 31. The entire program is being developed in cooperation with numerous partners. The program will include meetings with survivors, families of survivors, tours of the former ghetto area, documentary film screenings, exhibitions, and concerts. Some of the events will take place in the Survivors' Park, which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary. The park is unique for many reasons. It was initiated by Halina Elczewska, a survivor of the Łódź Ghetto, and was meant to symbolize life and hope. The park has changed since its establishment, with over 660 memory trees planted, but it is also a place for meetings, artistic and cultural activities. August 28 marks the Survivors' Day. On this day, more families will receive the Memory Tree certificates, and in the afternoon and evening, the park will be filled with music. At 8.30 PM, there will be an open-air concert dedicated to the survivors.
August 29 | Thursday – Main Ceremonies
10:30 AM Religious commemorations at the Jewish Cemetery
Location: Jewish Cemetery | 40 Bracka Street
12:00 PM Official commemorations at the Radegast Station Memorial
Location: Museum of Independence Traditions in Łódź – Radegast
Station Branch | 12 Pamięci Ofiar Litzmannstadt Getto Avenue
12:30 PM March from Radegast Station to the Old Market Square
Start: Radegast Station
7:00 PM Concert commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liquidation
of the Litzmannstadt-Ghetto
Location: The Grand Theatre in Łódź | 1 Dąbrowskiego Square
August 28 | Wednesday – Survivors' Day
4:00 PM Ceremony of planting new memory trees
Location: Survivors' Park | 83 Wojska Polskiego Street
5:00 PM―10:00 PM Gatherings and concerts for the 20th anniversary of the Survivors' Park
Location: The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź and Survivors' Park | 83 Wojska Polskiego Street
8:30 PM Do Not Despair ― outdoor concert
Location: Survivors' Park | 83 Wojska Polskiego Street
PLEASE NOTE: For security reasons, it is prohibited to bring large bags, backpacks and other bulky luggage into the Dialogue Centre. We also do not provide storage space for such items.
Hosts of the Commemoration:
The Mayor od Lodz, Hanna Zdanowska
The Jewish Community of Łódź
Main Organizer:
The Marek Edelman's Dialogue Center
The Museum of Independence Traditions in Łódź
Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne Żydów w Polsce