The Survivors Park is the newest public garden in Łódź. It is situated in a river valley between Wojska Polskiego, Oblęgorska and Źródłowa street.On the initiative of the Mayor of Łódź in year 2004, there was commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the annihilation of the Jewish Community. Planting memorial trees by the survivors of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto was one of the important elements of this event. The idea was brought forth by one of the survivors-Halina Elczewska.
Initially the concept of the park was based on the idea of creating one big bunch of trees symbolising a column of people being led into annihilation. Around the trees there was to be an empty field. The concept was changed though when the Mayor of Łódź decided about locating the Monument Honoring Poles who Saved Jews During the Second World War in the park. The Survivors Park spreads over 8,5 hectares and its axis of composition runs from East to West along Arnold Mostowicz alley linking the Monument Honoring Poles who Saved Jews During the Second World War with the Memorial Mound (8 meters high).

The monument, designed by Czesław Bielecki, composes of Jewish symbol-Star of David and Polish symbol - a hovering eagle. The Monument is reflected in the pond. The shape of the Star of David is strengthen with a hornbeam hedge. On the walls of the monument one can see the names of Poles granted the Righteous among the Nations award. The official unveiling of the monument will take place on August 27, 2009.
Along both sides of the alley we can see geometrically arranged trees. They are enclosed by gravel and clay paths which lead towards a square were a rock commemorating opening of the park is situated. There are granite tables with the Survivors’ names and their trees’ numbers along the southern side of the alley. The main entrances with parking lots are located at Wojska Polskiego and Oblęgorska Streets. The landscape project adapts existing trees such as stalk oaks, a few old limes, elms and maples.

The second stage of the park’s formation will begin in 2009. The Centre of Dialogue- Educational and Exposition Centre where expositions, celebrations, conferences, seminars and workshops for youth will take place is being built.
The authors of the Survivors Park:
- Grażyna Ojrzyńska, PhD- landscape architect
- Monika Michnowska- architect