Page 76 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi - Human Library 2018
P. 76
Social stigmatisation of mental illnesses and disorders is a topic
that has been puzzling me for a long time, especially due to a per-
sonal experience. I have been under psychiatric treatment for
many years, yet diagnosing bipolar disorder wasn’t easy. Be-
cause of that my life had been a mess for a long time. Only after
balancing medications, years of therapy and self-improvement
I managed to achieve some kind of an equilibrium. I have never
been ashamed of who I am nor of experience I possess – I be-
lieve that it’s the reason why I’m such a strong and self-confident
person. I will tell you my story with pleasure and answer all your
questions connected to bipolar disorder.
Dear Reader! Please, do remember that I am not a psychiatrist
nor psychologist, and because of that I cannot help you with the
diagnosis. I talk for a long time with many people – please take
care of my health and don’t get me overwhelmed.