Page 93 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 93

are already over six hundred of them. Every person or
            family honoured with a tree in the Survivors’ Park receives
            a certificate signed by the Mayor of Łódź, and their names
            are engraved on granite plaques placed along the main
            alley named after Arnold Mostowicz. Memorial Trees are
            a symbolic trace of their presence in their hometown.
            In 2014, when the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center moved
            into the building in the Survivors’ Park, we started collecting
            information about the Survivors and their families. We
            collect documents, interviews, archival photographs, films,
            and maintain contact with the families. Everyone who has
            his or her tree in the Survivors’ Park, has his or her place in
            Łódź, and we symbolically take care of it, getting to know
            and passing on the stories and fates of their families to
            subsequent generations.
            The exhibition “We are eternal trees...” is the third part of
            the “Memorial Trees” project. The title comes from the poem
            by Rachmil Bryks entitled Nie trać ducha (Do not despair),
            which was written in 1940 in the Łódź ghetto.

            Ceremonia nadania drzew pamięci Ocalałym z łódzkiego getta, 2019. Fot. Tomasz Ogrodowczyk
            Ceremony of granting of the memorial trees to Survivors from Łodź Ghetto, 2019. Photo by Tomasz Ogrodowczyk

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