Page 69 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 69

Ze zbiorów Centrum Badań Żydowskich Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
            From the collection of the University of Łódź, Center for Jewish Research

            Jakub Goldberg (1924-2011) was born in Łódź into a family of timber
            merchants. Before the war, he attended the Rev. Skorupka Middle School. As
            a teenager, he became involved in the activities of the youth socialist organiza-
            tion, Jugnt-Bund Cukunft (Youth Organization “Future”).
            In 1940, he was forced to move to the ghetto with his family. His mother died
            in the ghetto. In March 1944, he was deported from the ghetto to the Hasag
            ammunition factory in Częstochowa and Skarżysko Kamienna. From there, he was
            sent to the sub-camp of Buchenwald in Meuselwitz near Leipzig, from where he
            was forced to join the death march with a group of inmates. He was liberated
            by the Allies, landed in a hospital in the Sudetes, then he returned to Łódź and
            began studying at the University of Łódź. After the war, he remained an active
            member of the Bund until the party was dissolved. In Łódź, he worked as a
            researcher and published texts devoted to the history of Jews in the First Polish
            Republic. In the face of a growing anti-Jewish atmosphere, in 1967, he left with
            his family to Israel, where he continued his career as a researcher. He returned
            to Łódź in 2010, on the occasion of the solemn renewal of his doctorate, at which
            occasion the Łódź researcher’s community published a work dedicated to the
            Professor entitled I belong to the Polish historical school. Studies and sketches
            dedicated to Prof. Jakub Goldberg.

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