Page 94 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 94
‘When you know death well, you feel
greater responsibility for life. Every
chance matters. Even the smallest one’.
Marek Edelman began working in the Sterling Hospital as
early as in the 4th year of university. He found a job in the
cardiac surgery ward of the Clinic of the Military Medical
Academy, but was dismissed again in April 1968 – this time
because of his Jewish roots. Marek Edelman became the
Deputy Head Doctor of the internal medicine ward in the
Madurowicz Hospital. In June 1971, he was dismissed for
insubordination; as a form of protest, almost the entire staff
of doctors and a few nurses resigned from their jobs as well.
In December 1971, they took up the intensive care ward in
the Pirogow Hospital in Łódź, where Marek Edelman worked
almost until the end of his life.
Marek Edelman, the Sterling Hospital in Łódź, April 1967.
Photo: Witold Rozmysłowicz. PAP