Centrum Dialogu Łódź with KobieTY Łódź would like to invite You to the Colorful Tolerance 2017!
On March 21 falls the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Like every year at this time, on the first day of spring, we would like to invite you to the 18th edition of the Colourful Tolerance! There will be different manifestations of the action, such as visiting the open temples of different faiths and painting off the insulting inscriptions on the walls.
This year the event's theme is “MULTICULTURAL COLORFUL”. We invite you to participate in a common walk down to Piotrkowska street – all the inhabitants of Lodz are welcome, especially people from other countries living in our city for a short or a long time. Please bring your countries flags and let’s show together that Lodz is multicultural and open to people of other nationalities, religion, ethnicities or sexual orientation.
Together we’ll walk down to Piotrkowska street and it will be many attractions – Hugs with Flags and flash mob.
We invite you also to other events that will take place in the framework of Colourful Tolerance in March 22-24: workshops, exhibition and lectures. A detailed program of events is below.
Łódź, March 2017, 21-24
March 21
10.00 AM-12.00 PM – Lodz – the city of four religions
(10.00 AM-11.00 AM – presentation about the religion in each of the temples)
open temples of four cultures:
- Metropolitan Cathedral of Lodz – The Parish of St. Stanislaus Kostka (Archikatedra Łódzka – Parafia Św. Stanisława Kostki) – ul. Piotrkowska 265
- Evangelical Lutheran St. Matthew Church (Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski pw. Św. Mateusza) – ul. Piotrkowska 283
- Jewish Community Synagogue (Synagoga Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej) – ul. Pomorska 18
- Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Cerkiew św. Aleksandra Newskiego) – ul. Kilińskiego 56
12.00 PM – symbolic painting over of the insulting inscriptions on the walls (ul. Solna/ul. Pomorska)
12.30 PM– „MULTICULTURAL COLORFUL” – start: Plac Wolności (Freedom Square) – we invite You with flags of Lodz, Poland, Europe, world…
Hugs with Flags – the common action of people from Lodz with foreigners living in Lodz
about 1.30 PM – the finale on Pasaż Schillera (Schiller Passage) – surprise
March 22
5.45 PM – opening of the exhibition „UNICEF – 70 years of helping children”
6.00 PM – presentation of the UNICEF activities – Director General of the Polish National Committee for UNICEF, Marek Krupiński
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) is a humanitarian organization, founded in 1943 and for 70 years acting on behalf of children in 190 countries around the world. For 70 years, UNICEF has worked to improve the lives of children and their families. Despite remarkable challenges around the world, UNICEF staffers fight for the rights of every child seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality.
We invite you to see an exhibition of 70 years of UNICEF work for children.
During the event will be conducted the UNICEF’s fundraising to help children in Syria.
7.15 PM – Oman – a haven of multiculturalism in the Middle East – lecture of Sumaya Al-weheibi, Student of the University of Lodz
Lecture in English with the translation into Polish
Venue: Marek Edelman Dialogue Center (Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana), ul. Wojska Polskiego 83
"Can you imagine living in a country where all different religions are practiced freely? where your neighbours could be from different faith, but you never even think about it?
Our world is in dire need of love and harmony not racism, antisemitism, sectarianism and tribalism. Before considering the differences in anything, perhaps we should count all the similarities!
My name is Sumaya, and I would like to take you through a virtual trip to my tolerance country, Oman. Please join us!"
March 23
10.00 AM – anti-discrimination workshops for high school students – running: O!Środek
Venue: Marek Edelman Dialogue Center (Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana), ul. Wojska Polskiego 83
4.30 PM - Media, hate speech and fear of the Other: How (not) to work with words? - lecture - running: Monika Kopytowska, Julita Woźniak (University of Lodz)
Lecture in English
6.00 PM – presentation of the interactive maps of multicultural Lodz – KobieTY Łódź
6.15 PM – Racism and human genetics – lecture of Paweł Golik from the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
Lecture in Polish with translation into English
Venue: Marek Edelman Dialogue Center (Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana), ul. Wojska Polskiego 83
The diversity of people inhabiting the Earth has always aroused the interest of biologists. They reiterated often the question, whether the racial divisions deeply rooted in the culture have a basis in the biology of our species or not. However, the science has only recently developed tools for in-depth examination of the genetic diversity of human populations. Their discovery led to the unveiling of the fascinating history of migrations, which began when a few of our ancestors left Africa – the cradle of our species. The examination of our genetic diversity brought many surprising discoveries, inducing to question the sense of distinguishing among human races, understood in this way to which we have become adapted.
March 24
10.00 AM – workshops for teachers „Jutka’s Insomnia, history of the ghetto through the eyes of a child – my sign against the exclusion” – running: Hanna Jastrzębska Gzella – educator and drama animator
Venue: Centrum Zajęć Pozaszkolnych nr 1, ul. Zawiszy 39
Registration for teachers at: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. or at phone number: 666156987.
In the framework of Colourful Tolerance, the ŁAD Association – Lodz Academy of Drama, with the Laboratory for Prevention and Education in the Lodz Centre for Teacher Training and Vocational Education organizes 2-hours drama workshops for teachers, as part of the integration drama-theatre project “Jutka’s Insomnia”. Participants will work using drama based on the narrative of the Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala’s book, creating drama images, so that they can learn about the history of the Jewish girl and her friends displaced to the ghetto. Workshops will enable teachers to conduct learning through personal experience and reflection around values such as love, friendship, freedom, heroism and responsibility. Action implemented under the project ICTHE Erasmus+, multinational tool in education about the Holocaust.
UNICEF Polska, KobieTY Łódź, Instytut Tolerancji