Page 64 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi - Human Library 2018
P. 64
An alcoholic – the majority of people associate this term with
someone on the margins of society, laying in the gutter, standing
at the gates, disgusting, pitiable.
But the alcoholism is a disease anybody could be affected by, re-
gardless of gender, age, education, social status, experience. It
degrades an alcoholic in physical, emotional, social and spiritual
spheres. It destroys the value system, family, work, closest sur-
rounding. Sometimes it takes a few years, sometimes more, it of-
ten leads to death.
But it is possible to cure yourself from the active phase of this dis-
ease, to stop drinking, live with dignity, become a rightful member
of a family and society.
This is what I want to tell you about.