Page 4 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 4
Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd 2012-05-27 19:44 Page 4
INTRODUCTION 4 4 "I am a Jew and Poland
is my homeland.
I cannot separate
the two in my heart"
rtur Szyk, creator of miniatures, "Wherever I go, I shall always and above all else
illuminated books and brilliant work for Poland. As a Pole, I reserve the rights to
A caricatures, is one of the most fascinating my works for my country before all other
artists of the 20th century. Exceptional and countries."
distinct, he is deeply rooted in culture. He draws He left Poland just before World War Two,
upon the medieval masters but he speaks in his never to return. He died on 13 September 1951 in
own voice. the USA.
Experts call him the greatest illuminator since
the 16th century; indeed, since Renaissance, there The exhibition ARTUR SZYK − MAN OF
has been no one to match his talent. As an artist, DIALOGUE, being a part of the Łódź of Four
Artur Szyk also contributed to the fight against the Cultures festival, opens exactly on the 60th
Nazi oppressor, with his paintbrush and pallete anniversary of the artist's death, 85 years after
and with his wit and intelligence. his most important work, The Statute of Kalisz,
Even though his works can be found in the was created (inspired by the May Coup in 1926)
most important libraries and museums all over the and consisting of a collection of miniatures
world, people of Łódź and Poland still know very showcasing the thousand years of Polish−Jewish
little about him. We should talk about him and relations. We are hoping that the exhibition
proudly present his works to the world. travels in Poland and abroad, calling attention
Artur Szyk, Polish Jew, citizen of Łódź and a to the great Polish patriot: a Pole and a Jew, who
patriot, always emphasized his love for Poland. couldn't "separate the two in his heart".