Page 6 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 6
Concept: Tomasz Majewski
Academic editing: Tomasz Majewski, Joanna Podolska, Tamara Skalska
Authors: Małgorzata Andrzejewska-Psarska, Ewa Ciszewska,
Tomasz Majewski, Joanna Podolska, Bartosz Zając
Proofreading (Polish version): Emilia Michalak
Design and typesetting:
Cover design:
English version: Dorota Dekiert
Proofreading (English version): Nigel Axworthy
Unless no detailed information is given below the photographs
in this catalogue, the published materials have been made available for
free by their makers, producers or distributors of the films
presented in this catalogue as a part of license rights,
and by the State Archive in Łódź.
ISBN 978-83-63182-17-5